Introduction #

In this article, video, and repo learn effective async Rust using real world patterns that show up consistently when creating non blocking, async, event loops, using channels. Delve into implementing the Future trait and async executor manually. Also explore graceful shutdown, when not to use async, and how to think about testing async code.

What is async Rust? Sequential vs concurrent code & parallelism as a resource #

In Rust, you can write sequential code, and concurrent code:

  • Sequential code can be run sequentially, or in parallel (using thread::spawn()).
  • Concurrent code can be run on a single thread or multiple threads.

Concurrency is a way to structure code into separate tasks. This does not define the resources on a machine that will be used to run or execute tasks.

Parallelism is a way to specify what resources (CPU cores, or threads) will be used on a machine’s operating system to run tasks.

These 2 concepts are not the same. They are related but not the same.

What async Rust is not #

Generally speaking, using async Rust is not just a matter of attaching async as a prefix to a function, when you define it, and postfix .await when you call it. In fact, if you don’t have at least one .await in your async function body, then it might not need to be async. This article and video are a deep dive into what async code is, what Rust Futures are, along with what async Runtimes are. Along with some common patterns and anti-patterns when thinking in async Rust.

YouTube video for this article #

This blog post only has short examples on how to use Rust async effectively. To see how these ideas can be used in production code, with real-world examples, please watch the following video on the YouTube channel.

Effective async Rust patterns by example #

Let’s create some examples to illustrate how to use async Rust effectively. You can run cargo new --lib effective-async-rust to create a new library crate.

The code in the video and this tutorial are all in this GitHub repo:

Then add the following to the Cargo.toml file that’s generated. These pull in all the dependencies that we need for these examples.

name = "effective-async-rust"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crossterm = { version = "0.27.0", features = ["event-stream"] }
tokio = { version = "1.37.0", features = ["full", "tracing"] }
tracing = "0.1.40"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3.18"
futures = "0.3.30"
async-stream = "0.3.5"

Example 1: Build a timer future using Waker #

Then you can add the following code to the src/ file.

pub mod build_a_timer_future_using_waker;

We will implement the Future trait manually, in this example. Typically any async code block is converted into a finite state machine which implements the Future trait. Progress on the future only occurs when it is polled by the runtime or executor (eg: Tokio).

  • When a future is polled and it is Ready then the future is complete.
  • If it is Pending then the future is not complete. And when it is ready (at some point in the future, due to some event like network IO available via epoll or io_uring), the runtime expects the future to wake up the, by calling wake() on the Waker that is passed to this future by the runtime, via the Context object.

Here are more details on this:

  1. Primer on async and await.
  2. Future trait.
  3. Timer example.

The code for this example is here.

Create a new file src/ In this file, we are going to:

  • Build a timer that wakes up a task after a certain amount of time, to explore how Waker works.
  • We’ll just spin up a new thread when the timer is created, sleep for the required time, and then signal the timer future when the time window has elapsed.

Add the following code to the file, to define a new struct that will implement the Future trait. This struct will have a SharedState struct that will contain the state of the future, and an optional Waker that will be used to wake up the future when the timer has elapsed. This Waker is not available until the very first time the future is polled by the runtime.

pub struct TimerFuture {
    pub shared_state: Arc<Mutex<SharedState>>,

pub struct SharedState {
    pub completed: bool,
    pub waker: Option<Waker>,

Add the following code to implement the Future trait for the TimerFuture struct.

  • This code will be used to poll the future, by the runtime, and check if the timer has elapsed.
  • If it has, then the future is complete, and the runtime can move on to the next task. If the timer has not elapsed, then the future is not complete, and the runtime won’t do anything further with this future. And will go on to the next task (top level Future) that it can make progress on.

Something has to wake up this future to let the runtime know that the timer has elapsed, and that it needs to call poll() again on this Future. This is where the Waker comes in.

  • The first time poll() is called on this future, the runtime passes in a Waker and we save that to the SharedState struct.
  • This will be used by the timer thread to wake up the future, when the timer has elapsed (which we will do next).
impl Future for TimerFuture {
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let mut shared_state = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
        match shared_state.completed {
            true => {
                eprintln!("{}", "TimerFuture is completed".to_string().green());
            false => {
                eprintln!("{}", "TimerFuture is not completed".to_string().red());
                // Importantly, we have to update the Waker every time the
                // future is polled because the future may have moved to
                // a different task with a different Waker. This will happen
                // when futures are passed around between tasks after being
                // polled.
                shared_state.waker = Some(cx.waker().clone());

Add the following code to create a new timer Future, and start a new thread that will sleep for the required time, and then wake up the Future when the timer has elapsed, by using the optional Waker that was saved in the SharedState struct (when poll() is called on the Future, by the runtime).

impl TimerFuture {
    pub fn new(duration: Duration) -> Self {
        let new_instance = TimerFuture::default();

        let shared_state_clone = new_instance.shared_state.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut shared_state = shared_state_clone.lock().unwrap();
            shared_state.completed = true;


Add the following test to run this code. The #[tokio::test] attribute macro generates code to start a single threaded executor to run the test code.

async fn run_timer_future_with_tokio() {
    let timer_future = TimerFuture::new(Duration::from_millis(10));
    let shared_state = timer_future.shared_state.clone();

When you run this test, it should produce the following output:

running 1 test
TimerFuture is not completed
TimerFuture is completed
test build_a_timer_future_using_waker::run_timer_future_with_tokio ... ok

Example 2: Build an async runtime to run futures to completion #

For this example, let’s add the following code to the src/ file.

pub mod build_an_executor_to_run_future;

In the example above, we use tokio to run the TimerFuture to completion. But in this example, we will implement our own simple async runtime.

  • This is a very simple runtime that will run futures to completion, by polling them until they are ready.
  • It should highlight how the Waker and Context are supplied by the runtime to the Future.

You can get the source code for this example here.

We will need a few things to implement this runtime:

  1. Task struct that will contain the Future that needs to be run to completion.
  2. Task queue that will contain all the tasks that need to be run. This will be a std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel.
  3. Waker that will be used to wake up the runtime when a task is ready to be polled. Context that will be used to pass the Waker to the Future that is being polled.
  4. Spawner struct that will be used to spawn new tasks into the runtime.
  5. Executor struct that will be used to run the runtime.

Add the following code to the src/ file.

pub fn new_executor_and_spawner() -> (Executor, Spawner) {
    const MAX_TASKS: usize = 10_000;
    let (task_sender, task_receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(MAX_TASKS);
    (Executor { task_receiver }, Spawner { task_sender })

pub struct Executor {
    pub task_receiver: Receiver<Arc<Task>>,

pub struct Spawner {
    pub task_sender: SyncSender<Arc<Task>>,

pub struct Task {
    pub future: Mutex<Option<BoxFuture<'static, ()>>>,
    pub task_sender: SyncSender<Arc<Task>>,

Add the following code to the Spawner struct to spawn new tasks into the runtime.

impl Spawner {
    pub fn spawn(&self, future: impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static + Send) {
        let pinned_boxed_future = future.boxed();
        let task = Arc::new(Task {
            future: Mutex::new(Some(pinned_boxed_future)),
            task_sender: self.task_sender.clone(),
            "sending task to executor, adding to channel"
            .expect("too many tasks in channel");

Add the following code to the Executor struct to run the runtime. This code will poll the task queue, and block until it can get a task to run. Once it has a task, which it has removed from the task channel or queue, it polls it (with the Context and Waker) to check whether it is ready.

  • If it is ready, then it is done.
  • If it is not ready, then it does not do anything further with it. When the task is ready to be polled (eg: when the duration has passed in the TimerFuture’s thread), it will use the Waker to wake up the task when it is ready to be polled). The ArcWake implementation for the Task struct is used for this; all it does is send the task back to the task channel, so that it can be polled again by the executor 🎉.
  • Here’s what a real world implementation of ArcWake might look like using something like Linux epoll or io_uring:
impl ArcWake for Task {
    /// Implement `wake` by sending this task back onto the task
    /// channel so that it will be polled again by the executor,
    /// since it is now ready.
    fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
        let cloned = arc_self.clone();
            .expect("too many tasks in channel");
            "task woken up, added back to channel"

impl Executor {
    pub fn run(&self) {
        // Remove task from receiver, or block if nothing available.
        loop {
            eprintln!("{}", "executor loop".to_string().red());
            // Remove the task from the receiver.
            // If it is pending, then the ArcWaker
            // will add it back to the channel.
            match self.task_receiver.recv() {
                Ok(arc_task) => {
                        "running task - start, got task from receiver"
                    let mut future_in_task = arc_task.future.lock().unwrap();
                    match future_in_task.take() {
                        Some(mut future) => {
                            let waker = waker_ref(&arc_task);
                            let context = &mut Context::from_waker(&waker);
                            let poll_result = future.as_mut().poll(context);
                                  "poll_result: {:?}", poll_result)
                            if poll_result.is_pending() {
                                // We're not done processing the future, so put it
                                // back in its task to be run again in the future.
                                *future_in_task = Some(future);
                                  "putting task back in slot"
                            } else {
                                eprintln!("{}", "task is done".to_string().red());
                        None => {
                            panic!("this never runs");
                    eprintln!("{}", "running task - end".to_string().red());
                Err(_) => {
                    eprintln!("no more tasks to run, breaking out of loop");

And finally, add this test to run this code. Notice this code does not use tokio to run the TimerFuture to completion. Instead, it uses the Executor and Spawner structs that we implemented above.

fn run_executor_and_spawner() {
    use super::build_a_timer_future_using_waker::TimerFuture;

    let results = Arc::new(std::sync::Mutex::new(Vec::new()));

    let (executor, spawner) = new_executor_and_spawner();

    let results_clone = results.clone();
    spawner.spawn(async move {
        results_clone.lock().unwrap().push("hello, start timer!");
        results_clone.lock().unwrap().push("bye, timer finished!");


        vec!["hello, start timer!", "bye, timer finished!"]

This should produce the following output, which maps to the flow that we described above:

running 1 test
sending task to executor, adding to channel
executor loop
running task - start, got task from receiver
TimerFuture is not completed
poll_result: Pending
putting task back in slot
running task - end
executor loop
task woken up, added back to channel
running task - start, got task from receiver
TimerFuture is completed
poll_result: Ready(())
task is done
running task - end
executor loop
no more tasks to run, breaking out of loop
test build_an_executor_to_run_future::run_executor_and_spawner ... ok

Example 3: Running async code, concurrently, on a single thread #

For this example, let’s add the following code to the src/ file.

pub mod local_set;

If you have async code, you can use a LocalSet to run the async code, in different tasks, on a single thread. This ensures that any data that you have to pass between these tasks can be !Send. Instead of wrapping the shared data in a Arc or Arc<Mutex>, you can just wrap it in an Rc.

In this example, we will explore how to run async code concurrently, on a single thread. This is an important concept to understand, as it is the basis for how async code can be run concurrently, using non-blocking event loops.

The code for this example is here.

Add the following code to the src/ file.

  • It shows how you can create a Future that uses a Rc to share data concurrently, running on a single thread.
  • This is why the data is !Send, and we don’t need to use an Arc or Arc<Mutex> to share it between tasks.
  • Once the LocalSet is created, and local_spawn() is called, the task doesn’t actually run until local_set.run_until(..) is called, or local_set.await is called.
async fn run_local_set_and_spawn_local() {
    // Can't send this data across threads (not wrapped in `Arc` or `Arc<Mutex>`).
    let non_send_data = Rc::new("!SEND DATA");
    let local_set = LocalSet::new();

    // Spawn a local task (bound to same thread) that uses the non-send data.
    let non_send_data_clone = non_send_data.clone();

    let async_block_1 = async move {
            "{:<7} {}",
    // Does not run anything.
    let join_handle_1 = local_set.spawn_local(async_block_1);

    // This is required to run `async_block_1`.
    let _it = local_set.run_until(join_handle_1).await;

Add the following code to the src/ file. This is just a different variant (from the first example) of creating a new async block, and running it using the LocalSet.

    // Create a 2nd async block.
    let non_send_data_clone = non_send_data.clone();
    let async_block_2 = async move {
            "{:<7} {}",

    // This is required to run `async_block_2`.
    let _it = local_set.run_until(async_block_2).await;

Finally add the following code to the src/ file. This yet another way of how you can create a new async block, and run it using the LocalSet. This one uses local_set.await which runs all the futures that are associated with the local_set.

    // Spawn another local task (bound to same thread) that uses
    // the non-send data.
    let non_send_data_clone = non_send_data.clone();
    let async_block_3 = async move {
            "{:<7} {}",
    // Does not run anything.
    let _join_handle_3 = local_set.spawn_local(async_block_3);

    // `async_block_3` won't run until this is called.

Here’s the output when you run this test:

running 1 test
start   !SEND DATA
middle  !SEND DATA
end     !SEND DATA
test local_set::run_local_set_and_spawn_local ... ok

Example 4: join!, select, spawn control flow constructors #

For this example, let’s add the following code to the src/ file.

pub mod demo_join_select_spawn;

You can use join!, select!, and spawn to control the flow of async code. These are macros that are provided by the tokio crate. They are used to run multiple futures concurrent, in parallel, and wait for them to complete.

The code for this example is here.

Add the following code to the src/ file. This code shows how you can use join! to run multiple futures concurrently, and wait for them to complete.

pub async fn task_1(time: u64) {

pub async fn task_2(time: u64) {

pub async fn task_3(time: u64) {

async fn test_join() {
    tokio::join!(task_1(100), task_2(200), task_3(300));
    println!("all tasks done");

Here’s the output when you run this test:

running 1 test
all tasks done
test demo_join_select_spawn::test_join ... ok

Add the following code to the src/ file. This code shows how you can use select! to run multiple futures concurrently, and wait for the first one to complete.

async fn test_select() {
    tokio::select! {
        _ = task_1(100) => println!("task_1 done"),
        _ = task_2(200) => println!("task_2 done"),
        _ = task_3(300) => println!("task_3 done"),
    println!("one task done");

Here’s the output when you run this test:

running 1 test
task_1 done
one task done
test demo_join_select_spawn::test_select ... ok

Add the following code to the src/ file. This code shows how you can use spawn to run multiple futures in parallel, and wait for them to complete. We pass the following to the #[tokio::test] attribute macro: flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 5 which tells it to run the test on multiple threads (max of 5).

#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 5)]
async fn test_spawn() {
    let handle_1 = tokio::spawn(task_1(100));
    let handle_2 = tokio::spawn(task_2(100));
    let handle_3 = tokio::spawn(task_3(100));

    println!("all tasks done");

When you run this test, it should produce the following output (the ordering of the tasks which run first, second, and third, will vary):

running 1 test
all tasks done
test demo_join_select_spawn::test_spawn ... ok

Example 5: async streams #

For this example, let’s add the following code to the src/ file.

pub mod async_stream;

You can use async streams to create a stream of values that are produced asynchronously. This is useful for testing, for example in the r3bl_terminal_async crate in in test_streams module.

The code for this example is here.

Add the following code to the src/ file.

  • This code shows how you can use async_stream crate’s stream! macro to create a stream of values that are generated from a vector of strings.
  • This stream is then converted into a PinnedInputStream which is a Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<String, String>>>.
pub type PinnedInputStream = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<String, String>>>>;

pub fn gen_input_stream() -> PinnedInputStream {
    let it = async_stream::stream! {
        for event in get_input_vec() {
            yield Ok(event);

pub fn get_input_vec() -> Vec<String> {

async fn test_stream() {
    let mut count = 0;
    let mut it = gen_input_stream();
    while let Some(event) = {
        let lhs = event.unwrap();
        let rhs = get_input_vec()[count].clone();
        assert_eq!(lhs, rhs);
        count += 1;

Example 6: Non-blocking event loops, channel safety, and graceful shutdown #

Let’s add the following code to the src/ file.

pub mod non_blocking_async_event_loops;

You can use non-blocking event loops to create a loop that runs async code, and waits for events to occur. This is useful for creating servers, clients, and other networked applications. You can even use the same pattern to create CLI and TUI applications that are non-blocking, and can handle multiple events concurrently, such as when you’re creating an interactive async REPL.

The source code for this example is here.

Add the following code to the src/ file.

#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 5)]
async fn test_main_loop() {
    // Register tracing subscriber.

    // Create channels for events and shutdown signals.
    let event_channel = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::<String>(1_000);
    let (event_sender, mut event_receiver) = event_channel;

    let shutdown_channel = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::<()>(1_000);
    let (shutdown_sender, _) = shutdown_channel;

    // Spawn the main event loop.
    let mut shutdown_receiver = shutdown_sender.subscribe();
    let safe_count: std::sync::Arc<std::sync::Mutex<usize>> = Default::default();
    let safe_count_clone = safe_count.clone();
    let join_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
        loop {
            tokio::select! {
                event = event_receiver.recv() => {
                    tracing::info!(?event, "task got event: event");
                    let mut count = safe_count_clone.lock().unwrap();
                    *count += 1;
                _ = shutdown_receiver.recv() => {
                    tracing::info!("task got shutdown signal");

    // Send events, in parallel.
    let mut handles = vec![];
    for i in 0..10 {
        let event_sender_clone = event_sender.clone();
        let join_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
            tracing::info!(i, "sending event");
            let event = format!("event {}", i);
            let _ = event_sender_clone.send(event).await;

    // Wait for all events to be sent using tokio.

    // Shutdown the event loops.

    // Wait for the event loop to shutdown.

    // Assertions.
    assert_eq!(shutdown_sender.receiver_count(), 1);
    assert_eq!(*safe_count.lock().unwrap(), 10);

Here are key points to note about this code:

  • We use tokio::sync::mpsc::channel to create a channel for events, and tokio::sync::broadcast::channel to create a channel for shutdown signals.
  • We spawn the main event loop, which listens for events and shutdown signals, and updates a shared counter.
  • We spawn multiple tasks that send events to the event channel, in parallel.
    • The #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 5)] attribute macro tells tokio to run the test on multiple threads (max of 5).
    • You can see this in the output when you run the test. By configuring Tokio tracing subscriber, we can see the thread IDs and names in the output (.with_thread_ids(true), .with_thread_names(true)).
    • We wait for all events to be sent using futures::future::join_all(handles).await.
  • We shutdown the event loop (using shutdown_sender.send(())), and wait for it to shutdown using join_handle.await..

When you run this test, it will produce the following output:

running 1 test
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) sending event i=2
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(04) sending event i=6
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(06) sending event i=0
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(07) sending event i=4
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(03) sending event i=7
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(04) sending event i=8
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(06) sending event i=1
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 2")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(07) sending event i=5
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(03) sending event i=9
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 6")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(04) sending event i=3
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 0")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 4")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 7")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 8")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 1")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 5")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 9")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got event: event event=Some("event 3")
 INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(05) task got shutdown signal
test non_blocking_async_event_loops::test_main_loop ... ok

Interesting code links:

Parting thoughts #

Build with Naz video series on YouTube channel #

If you have comments and feedback on this content, or would like to request new content (articles & videos) on, please join our discord server.

You can watch a video series on building this crate with Naz on the YouTube channel.

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