What is subtyping and variance? #

Subtyping and variance are important concepts in Rust’s algebraic type system. They allow us to express relationships between types, and equivalence without using inheritance. Rust also includes lifetimes in the type definitions themselves! So they become an integral part of the a type.

Subtyping #

In Rust, subtyping refers to the relationship between two types where one type can be used in place of the other.

  1. This means that if a type Sub is a subtype of type Super, then any code that expects a Super can also accept an Sub. They are equivalent.
  2. Just like inheritance, the opposite is not true. Any code expecting a Sub cannot accept a Super. They are not equivalent.

Consider the following code snippet:

use std::fmt::Display;

struct Cat {
    name: String,
    breed: String,

impl Display for Cat {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>)
    -> std::fmt::Result
        write!(f, "Cat: {} ({})", self.name, self.breed)

struct Dog {
    name: String,
    breed: String,

impl Display for Dog {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>)
    -> std::fmt::Result
        write!(f, "Dog: {} ({})", self.name, self.breed)

/// Since Display is a trait bound in the print_animal function,
/// both &Cat and &Dog can be used as arguments because they are
/// both subtypes of &dyn Display.
fn print_animal<T: Display>(animal: &T) {
    println!("{}", animal);

fn main() {
    let cat = Cat {
        name: "Sparky".to_string(),
        breed: "Siamese".to_string() };
    let dog = Dog {
        name: "Buddy".to_string(),
        breed: "Golden Retriever".to_string() };

    print_animal(&cat); // Prints "Cat: Sparky (Siamese)"
    print_animal(&dog); // Prints "Dog: Buddy (Golden Retriever)"

    let animals: Vec<&dyn Display> = vec![&cat, &dog];
    for animal in animals {
        println!("{}", animal);

In this example:

  • In the function print_animal<T>(animal: &T), the super type of T is Display. This means that this function accepts any type that implements the Display trait.
  • So, we can pass both &Cat and &Dog to the print_animal() function. Since both Cat and Dog implement the Display trait.
  • The animals vector can hold references to any type that implements the Display trait, so we can store both Cat and Dog instances in it.
    • We use &dyn Display as the type since we want to use trait objects.
    • And we can’t use &impl Animal since this syntax expects only a single type.

A real world example of this is the Copy and Clone traits:

Variance #

In Rust, variance describes how subtyping relationships are preserved when dealing with generic types. Lifetime annotations are part of the generics system. There are three types of variance:

  • Covariance: A generic type T is covariant if, when Sub is a subtype of Super, T<Sub> is also a subtype of T<Super>.
  • Invariance: A generic type T is invariant if there is no subtyping relationship between T<Sub> and T<Super> when Sub is a subtype of Super.
  • Contravariance: A generic type T is contravariant if, when Sub is a subtype of Super, T<Super> is a subtype of T<Sub>.

Here are some examples:

  • Covariance: The &T type is covariant. This means that if Sub is a subtype of Super, then &Sub is a subtype of &Super. This is useful for references. In the code, Cat and Dog both implement the Display trait. Since Display is a trait bound in the print_animal function, both &Cat and &Dog can be used as arguments because they are both subtypes of &dyn Display.
  • Invariance: The &mut T type is invariant. This means that if Sub is a subtype of Super, there is no subtyping relationship between &mut Sub and &mut Super. Also, the UnsafeCell<T> type is invariant. This means that there is no subtyping relationship between UnsafeCell<Sub> and UnsafeCell<Super> when Sub is a subtype of Super. This is because UnsafeCell is used to bypass Rust’s safety checks, so it must be invariant. Both &mut T and UnsafeCell<T> are invariant in Rust because they are related to unsafe operations or mutable references, which require stricter type constraints to ensure safety.
  • Contravariance: The Fn(T) type is contravariant. This means that if Sub is a subtype of Super, then Fn(Super) is a subtype of Fn(Sub). This is useful for functions that take a callback as an argument.

Here is a table of some other generic types and their variances:

  ‘a T U
&'a T covariant covariant  
&'a mut T covariant invariant  
Box<T>   covariant  
Vec<T>   covariant  
UnsafeCell<T>   invariant  
Cell<T>   invariant  
fn(T) -> U   contravariant covariant
*const T   covariant  
*mut T   invariant  

This table is from Rustonomicon - Variance.

More resources on Rust lifetimes #

YouTube videos for this article #

This article has short examples on how to get to know Rust lifetimes deeply. If you like to learn via video, please watch the companion video on the developerlife.com YouTube channel.

Learn Rust lifetimes by example #

Let’s create some examples to illustrate how to use Rust lifetimes. You can run cargo new --bin lifetimes to create a new binary crate.

The code in the video and this tutorial are all in this GitHub repo.

Example 1: References #

First add mod ex_1_references; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the src/ex_1_references.rs file.

The code for this example is here.

fn ex_1_references() {
    fn try_to_use_after_free(arg: usize) -> &'static str {
        let s = format!("{} is a number", arg);
        // return &s; /* 🧨 won't compile! */

    fn try_to_modify_referent() {
        let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3]; /* referent */
        let ref_to_first_item = &data[0]; /* reference */
        // data.push(4); /* 🧨 won't compile */
        println!("first_item: {}", ref_to_first_item);
        /* ref_to_first_item reference still in scope */
        // drop(ref_to_first_item);

The main things to note about this code:

  • Rust requires any references to freeze:
    • the referent and its owners.
  • While a reference is in scope, Rust will not allow you to:
    • change the referent and its owners.
  • More info.

Example 2: Aliasing #

Let’s review some background info on references. There are two kinds of reference:

  1. Shared reference: &
  2. Mutable reference: &mut

Here are the rules of references:

  1. A reference cannot outlive its referent.
  2. A mutable reference cannot be aliased.


  1. Variables and pointers alias if they refer to overlapping regions of memory.
  2. The definition of “alias” that Rust will use likely involves some notion of liveness and mutation: we don’t actually care if aliasing occurs if there aren’t any actual writes to memory happening.

Here’s more info:

The code for this example is here.

Add mod ex_2_aliasing; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the src/ex_2_aliasing.rs file.

fn ex_2_aliasing() {
    /// `input_ref` and `output_ref` can't overlap or alias, and thus
    /// can't clobber each other.
    fn compute(input_ref: &usize, output_ref: &mut usize) {
        if *input_ref > 10 {
            *output_ref = 1;
        if *input_ref > 5 {
            *output_ref *= 2;

    // This is safe to do because `input` and `output` don't overlap.
        let input = 10usize;
        let mut output = 1usize;

        let input_address = &input as *const usize;
        let output_address = &output as *const usize;

        compute(&input, &mut output);

        assert_eq!(output, 2);
        assert_ne!(input_address, output_address);

    // Try and clobber `input` with `output`.
    // - Rust won't allow `input` and `output` to overlap aka alias.
    // - Rust won't allow the `&mut output` to be aliased!
        let mut output = 1usize;
        // compute(&output, &mut output); /* 🧨 won't compile! */

Example 3: Lifetimes #

Rust enforces a set of rules that govern how references are used via lifetimes.

Lifetimes are named regions of code that a reference must be valid for.

  • For simple programs, lifetimes coincide with lexical scope.
  • Those regions may be fairly complex, as they correspond to paths of execution in the program.
  • There may even be holes in these paths of execution, as it’s possible to invalidate a reference as long as it’s reinitialized before it’s used again.
  • Types which contain references (or pretend to) may also be tagged with lifetimes so that Rust can prevent them from being invalidated as well.

Inside a function, Rust doesn’t let you explicitly name lifetimes. And each let statement implicitly introduces a scope. However, once you cross the function boundary, you need to start talking about lifetimes.

More info:

The code for this example is here.

Add mod ex_3_lifetimes; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the src/ex_3_lifetimes.rs file.

fn ex_3_lifetimes_1() {
    /// 'fn is          <  'input.
    /// 'fn needs to be >= 'input.
    /// - 'fn is the lifetime of the referent. It is short.
    /// - 'input is the lifetime of the reference. It is long.
    fn try_to_make_reference_outlive_referent<'input>(
        param: &'input usize
    ) -> &'input str {
        // 'fn: {
            let referent = format!("{}", param);
            let reference = &/*'fn*/referent;
            // return reference; /* 🧨 does not compile! */
        // }

    fn fix_try_to_make_reference_outlive_referent<'input>(
        param: &'input usize
    ) -> &'input str {
        match param {
            0 => /* &'static */ "zero",
            1 => /* &'static */ "one",
            _ => /* &'static */ "many",

        fix_try_to_make_reference_outlive_referent(&0), "zero");

Notes on the code above:

  • The string literals “zero”, “one”, and “many” are stored in a special section of memory that is accessible throughout the entire program execution. This means that these string literals are available for the entire duration of the program, hence they have the 'static lifetime.

Add the following code to the ex_3_lifetimes.rs file.

fn ex_3_lifetimes_2() {
    fn try_to_modify_referent() {
        let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3]; /* referent */
        // 'first: {
            /* reference */
            let ref_to_first_item = &/*'first*/data[0];
            //   'second: {
            //        /* 🧨 won't compile */
            //        Vec::push(&/*'second*/mut data, 4);
            //    }
            println!("first_item: {}", ref_to_first_item);
            /* reference still in scope */
        // }
        // drop(ref_to_first_item);

Notes on the code above:

  • Rust doesn’t understand that ref_to_first_item is a reference to a subpath of data. It doesn’t understand [Vec] at all. 🤯

  • Here’s what it sees:
    • ref_to_first_item which is &'first data has to live for 'first in order to be printed.
    • When we try to call push, it then sees us try to make an &'second mut data.
    • It knows that 'second is contained within 'first, and rejects our program because the &'first data must still be alive! And we can’t alias a mutable reference.
  • The lifetime system is much more coarse than the reference semantics we’re actually interested in preserving.

Example 4: Input slices #

We can use lifetimes and slices to work with data without modifying it. This pattern shows up a lot when working with parsers (eg: nom) and general string manipulation.

Real world examples:

The code for this example is here.

First add mod ex_4_input_slices; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the src/ex_4_input_slices.rs file.

fn ex_4_input_slices() {
    // 'fn {
        let data = String::from("foo bar baz");
        let middle_word: & /*'fn*/ str = middle_word(&data);
        assert_eq!(middle_word, "bar");
    // }

fn middle_word<'input>(input: &'input str) -> &'input str {
    let iter = input.split_whitespace();

    let (_, middle_word_index) = {
        let iter_clone = iter.clone();
        let word_count = iter_clone.count();
        let middle_word_index = word_count / 2;
        (word_count, middle_word_index)

    let (middle_word_len, len_until_middle_word) = {
        let mut middle_word_len = 0;
        let len_until_middle_word = iter
            // Go as far as the middle word.
            .take_while(|(index, _)| *index <= middle_word_index)
            .map(|(index, word)| {
                // At middle word.
                if index == middle_word_index {
                    middle_word_len = word.len();
                // Before middle word.
                else {

        (middle_word_len, len_until_middle_word)

    let (start_index, end_index) = {
        let start_index = len_until_middle_word + 1;
        let end_index = len_until_middle_word + middle_word_len + 1;
        (start_index, end_index)


Example 5: Splitting borrows on structs #

The mutual exclusion property of mutable references can be very limiting when working with a composite structure.

The borrow checker understand structs sufficiently to know that it’s possible to borrow disjoint fields of a struct simultaneously.

ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs.rs will demonstrate this.

The code for this example is here.

First add mod ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the src/ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs.rs file.

fn ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs() {
    struct Data {
        a: usize,
        b: usize,

    fn change_field_by_ref(field: &mut usize) {
        *field += 1;

    let mut data = Data { a: 1, b: 2 };

    let a_ref = &mut data.a;
    let b_ref = &mut data.b;


    assert_eq!(data.a, 2);
    assert_eq!(data.b, 3);

The next example shows a struct that only contains references. As long as the owned struct and the references live for the same lifetime, it all works. Add the following code to the same file:

fn ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs_2() {
    struct Data<'a> {
        field_usize: &'a mut usize,
        field_str: &'a str,

    impl Data<'_> {
        fn new<'a>(
            str_param: &'a str, usize_param: &'a mut usize
        ) -> Data<'a>
            Data {
                field_usize: usize_param,
                field_str: str_param,

        fn change_field_usize(&mut self) {
            *self.field_usize += 1;

        fn change_field_str(&mut self) {
            self.field_str = "new value";

    let str_arg = "old value";
    let usize_arg = &mut 1;
    let mut data = Data::new(str_arg, usize_arg);


    assert_eq!(*data.field_usize, 2);
    assert_eq!(data.field_str, "new value");

Example 6: Clone on write (Cow) #

The Cow type is a smart pointer that can be used to work with both owned and borrowed data.

  • It is useful when you want to avoid unnecessary allocations and copying.
  • You can also use it in functions where you might need to mutate the argument; in which case the data will be lazily cloned when mutation or ownership is required.

The code for this example is here.

First add mod ex_6_cow; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the src/ex_6_cow.rs file.

fn ex_6_cow() {
    use std::borrow::Cow;

    fn capitalize<'a>(input: Cow<'a, str>) -> Cow<'a, str> {
        if input.is_empty() {
            return input;

        if input.chars().all(char::is_uppercase) {
            return input;

        let mut cloned = String::with_capacity(input.len());

    let borrowed_data = Cow::Borrowed("hello");
    let owned_data = Cow::Owned(String::from("world"));

    let capitalized_borrowed_data = capitalize(borrowed_data);
    let capitalized_owned_data = capitalize(owned_data);

    assert_eq!(capitalized_borrowed_data, "Hello");
    assert_eq!(capitalized_owned_data, "World");

Notes on the code:

  • The capitalize function takes a Cow as an argument. It also returns a Cow.
  • The Cow type is an enum that can hold either a borrowed reference or an owned value.
  • The capitalize function will return the input unchanged if it is already capitalized. Otherwise it allocates a new capitalized string, moves into into a Cow and returns it as an owned value.

Next, add the following code to the same file:

fn ex_6_cow_2() {
    use std::borrow::Cow;

    fn capitalize_mut<'a>(input: &mut Cow<'a, str>) {
        if input.is_empty() {

        if input.chars().all(char::is_uppercase) {

        let mut cloned = String::with_capacity(input.len());
        *input = Cow::Owned(cloned);

    let mut borrowed_data = Cow::Borrowed("hello");
    let mut owned_data = Cow::Owned(String::from("world"));

    capitalize_mut(&mut borrowed_data);
    capitalize_mut(&mut owned_data);

    assert_eq!(borrowed_data, "Hello");
    assert_eq!(owned_data, "World");

Notes on the code:

  • The capitalize_mut function takes a mutable reference to a Cow as an argument.
  • It will mutate the input in place if it is not already capitalized. This requires cloning the input string.

Example 7: Subtyping and variance #

Please refer to the Subtyping and variance section for more information, before following this example.

Let’s define that Sub is a subtype of Super (ie Sub : Super).

  • What this is suggesting to us is that the set of requirements that Super defines are completely satisfied by Sub.
  • Sub may then have more requirements.
  • That is, Sub > Super.

Replacing this with lifetimes, 'long : 'short if and only if

  • 'long defines a region of code that completely contains 'short.
  • 'long may define a region larger than 'short, but that still fits our definition.
  • That is, 'long > 'short.

More info:

The code for this example is here.

First add mod ex_7_subtyping_and_variance; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the src/ex_7_subtyping_and_variance.rs file.

fn subtyping() {
    fn debug<'a, T: std::fmt::Display + ?Sized>(a: &'a T, b: &'a T) {
        println!("a: {}, b: {}", a, b);

    let hello: &'static str = "hello";

    // 'short {
        let world = "world".to_string();
            /*&'static*/ hello,
            &/*'short*/  world
        // Why does this work?
        // 1) `&'static str` : `&'short str`
        //       ↑                ↑
        //     Subtype          Super type
        // 2) `hello` silently downgrades from `&'static str`
        //    into `&'short str`
    // }

Notes on the code above:

  • fn debug(a, b):
    • Since: &'a T is covariant over 'a, we are allowed to perform subtyping.
    • And: &'static str is a subtype of &'short str.
    • And since:
      'static : 'short
        ↑       ↑
       Sub     Super
  • Here’s a short table with the rules:

    |                 | `'a`     | `T` |
    | `&'a T`         | C        | C   |
    | `&'a mut T`     | C        | I   |

Now, add the following code to the same file:

/// More info:
/// - <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/subtyping.html>
fn variance() {
    fn assign<'a, T>(reference: &'a mut T, value: T) {
        *reference = value;

    let mut hello: &'static str = "hello";

    // 'short {
        let world = "world".to_string();
        /* 🧨 does not compile! Due to invariance, the 2 args are
           different types!
        // assign(
        //     &mut/*&'static*/ hello,
        //     &/*'short*/      world
        // );

        // `&mut T` is invariant over `T`, meaning, these are
        // incompatible:
        // 1. 1st arg: `&mut &'static str`, which is `&mut T`
        //    where `T = &'static str`.
        // 2. 2nd arg: `&'short str`, and it is expecting
        //    `T = &'static str`. This `T` does not match!
        // This means that:
        // - `&mut &'static str` cannot be a subtype of `&'short str`
        // - even if `'static` **is** a subtype of `'short`
    // }

Notes on the code:

  1. Take a mutable reference and a value and overwrite the referent with it.
  2. It clearly says in its signature the referent and the value must be the exact same type.
    • &mut T is invariant over T, meaning,
    • &mut &'long T is NOT a subtype of &'short T,
    • Even when:
      'long : 'short
      ↑       ↑
      Sub     Super
  3. Here’s a short table with the rules:
    |                 | `'a`     | `T` |
    | `&'a T`         | C        | C   |
    | `&'a mut T`     | C        | I   |

Build with Naz video series on developerlife.com YouTube channel #

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You can watch a video series on building this crate with Naz on the developerlife.com YouTube channel.

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