Introduction #

This repo contains code for a simple server and client program written in Rust that communicate over TLS using the tokio and rustls libraries.

  • TLS is used to secure the communication between the server and client.
  • It is an added layer on top of the TCP connection.

TLS primer #

TLS is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communication over a computer network. It ensures:

  • Confidentiality: Data is encrypted so that only the intended recipient can read it.
  • Integrity: Data cannot be altered without detection.
  • Authentication: The identities of the parties involved can be verified.

It consists of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms. Here’s a brief overview of both.

Symmetric Encryption

  • Definition: Uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.
  • Examples: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard).
  • Benefits:
    • Faster than asymmetric encryption.
    • Suitable for encrypting large amounts of data.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Key distribution can be a challenge; both parties must securely share the key. So sharing the key between both parties can either happen out of band, or using some other mechanism (like asymmetric encryption).

Asymmetric Encryption

  • Definition: Uses a pair of keys (public and private) for encryption and decryption.
  • Examples: RSA, ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography).
  • Benefits:
    • Solves the key distribution problem; the public key can be shared openly.
    • Provides authentication through digital signatures.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Slower than symmetric encryption.
    • Not suitable for encrypting large amounts of data directly.

TLS uses a combination of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption. It uses asymmetric encryption to establish a secure connection and symmetric encryption to encrypt the data transferred over the connection.

Additionally the following are required to make the communication secure between the client and server:

  1. The client needs to have the CA certificate in case you are using self-signed certificates.
  2. The server needs to have both the server certificate and the private key.

Here’s an overview of how TLS works:

  • Handshake - The client and server perform a handshake to establish a secure connection. During this process:
    • The client and server agree on the TLS version and cipher suites to use.
    • The server presents its digital certificate, which contains its public key.
    • The client verifies the server’s certificate against trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs).
    • The client generates a random session key, encrypts it with the server’s public key, and sends it to the server.
  • Session Key - Once the server receives the encrypted session key, it decrypts it using its private key. Both parties now have the same session key, which is used for symmetric encryption of the data transmitted during the session.
  • Data Transmission - All data sent between the client and server is encrypted using the session key, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.

Rust and TLS primer #

Now that we know more about TLS, how do we access it in Rust? Rust has 2 main implementations for TLS:

  1. rustls: A modern, safe, and fast TLS library written in Rust. This does not have any dependencies on OpenSSL, or any C code, or any OS specific code. It is a pure Rust implementation.

    • This video goes over the process of writing Rust code using tokio and rustls.
    • This repo has a good example of how to use tokio and rustls together.
  2. native-tls: A thin wrapper around the platform’s native TLS implementation. It uses OpenSSL on Unix-like systems and SChannel on Windows.

YouTube videos for this article #

If you like to learn via video, please watch the companion video on the YouTube channel where I live code the entire program from scratch. You can follow along there, step by step if you like, in addition to this article and repo.

The code in the video and this tutorial are all in this GitHub repo.

First, create the certificates by running #

All the scripts and certificate related files are in the certs folder:

  1. The main script is It generates the CA and server certificates. It also uses the script below to get the CFSSL binaries.
  2. The script downloads the CFSSL binaries if needed. If they are already downloaded, it does nothing.

Tools used by the scripts (CFSSL) #

  • The CFSSL tool is used to generate the certificates.
  • Learn more about the tool in this blog post.
  • You can get the prebuilt binaries here.
  • This video goes over the process of setting up TLS with CFSSL.

Configuration files deep dive #

There are 3 JSON files that are used to generate the certificates:

`ca-config.json`: The configuration for the CA.

  • The main node is signing which has the profiles node. You can have multiple profiles. In this case, I create a single profile named server, which is a name I just made up.
    • The node named server, which is a made up name of a profile, is used to generate the server certificate. This is a name that I created, it is not a reserved keyword, it has no special meaning. It is used in the cfssl gencert ... -profile=server server-csr.json command and used to tie all the generated files together.
      • The expiry node sets the expiration date for a certificate. I changed it 10 years or 87600h.
      • The usages node sets the key usage for the certificate. I set it to signing, key encipherment, server auth, and client auth.
    • Here’s an example:
      "signing": {
        "default": {
          "expiry": "87600h"
        "profiles": {
          "server": {
            "expiry": "87600h",
            "usages": ["signing", "key encipherment", "server auth"]

`server-csr.json`: The configuration for the server certificate. This is related to the server profile above. The CA will sign the server certificate using the server profile.

  • The CN node is the Common Name for this certificate. I set it to server. This has no special meaning. It is set to ensure that the cfssl gencert -ca ca.pem ... commands to generate the certificates work and can find the information related to the server, which matches the profile name.
  • The key node sets the key size and type. I set it to 2048 bits and rsa. This is important.
  • The hosts node sets the DNS names and IP addresses for the certificate. This is really important. The client will use a ServerName in Rust code to connect to the server. That name must match whatever is in the hosts array. You can just add another name there which can be parsed as a DNS name or an IP address. In my case, I have localhost and (which is just made up). However, in the Rust client code to connect to the server, I can create a ServerName using either "localhost" or "".
  • Here’s an example:
      "CN": "server",
      "hosts": ["localhost", ""],
      "key": {
        "algo": "rsa",
        "size": 2048
      "names": [
          "C": "US",
          "ST": "Texas",
          "L": "Austin"

`ca-csr.json`: The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the CA.

  • The CN node is the Common Name for the CA. I set it to ca. This has no special meaning. It is just to make sure that the cfssl gencert -initca ca-csr.json commands to generate the certificates work and can find the information related to the CA.
  • The key node sets the key size and type. I set it to 2048 bits and rsa. This is important.
  • Here’s an example:
      "CN": "ca",
      "key": {
        "algo": "rsa",
        "size": 2048
      "names": [
          "C": "US",
          "ST": "Texas",
          "L": "Austin"

Each of these files are modified from some default values to the desired values. They all started life using the following commands:

  • ./cfssl print-defaults config > ca-config.json
  • ./cfssl print-defaults csr > ca-csr.json
  • ./cfssl print-defaults csr > server-csr.json

Run the scripts and generate the certificates #

Run the following commands to generate the certificates in the certs/generated folder:

cd certs

Running this script will generate the following files:

  1. Generate root certificate (CA) and sign it. The ca string in the filenames comes from the cfssl gencert ... | cfssljson -bare ca command. If you change the string ca in the command, it will change the filenames that are produced.
File Description
ca.csr Certificate signing request
ca-key.pem Private key
ca.pem Public key; used in the Rust client code
  1. Generate server certificate (and private key) and sign it with the CA. The server string in the filenames comes from the cfssl gencert ... | cfssljson -bare server command. If you change the string server in the command, it will change the filenames that are produced.
File Description
server.csr Certificate signing request
server-key.pem Private key; used in the Rust server code
server.pem Public key; used in the Rust server code

Examine the generated certificates #

  1. Look in the certs/generated/ folder to see the generated certificates. You can examine them using the openssl command:
openssl x509 -noout -text -in generated/ca.pem

Look for the following lines which confirm that this is a CA certificate, and some other configuration properties provided in the ca-config.json file:

Field Description
Issuer: C=US, ST=TX, L=Austin, CN=ca The CA’s own details, from ca-config.json
Not After: ... Expiration date
Public-Key: (2048 bit) Key size and type from ca-csr.json
CA:TRUE This is a CA (root certificate)
  1. Look in the certs/generated folder to see the server certificates. You can examine them using the openssl command:
openssl x509 -noout -text -in generated/server.pem

Look for the following lines which confirm that this is a server certificate, and some other configuration properties provided in the server-csr.json file:

Field Description
Issuer: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Austin, CN=ca Issued by the CA above
Subject: C=US, ST=Texas, L=Austin, CN=server The server’s own details
Not After : ... Expiration date
CA:FALSE Not a root certificate
TLS Web Server Authentication Extended Key Usage for server authentication
DNS:localhost, IP Address: This is from server-csr.json. The Rust client code uses this in ServerName to make a TLS connection
  1. Finally verify the server certificate against the CA certificate:
openssl verify -CAfile generated/ca.pem generated/server.pem

If the certificate is valid, you will see the following output: generated/server.pem: OK

Second, write and run the code #

Once the certificates are generated, the next step is to write the server and client code. Here’s the mental model for doing this.

  • Client code

    • Certificate concerns:

      • The client code will need to load the root certificate store, inside of which will reside the CA (certificate authority) certificate chain, that we have generated (the ca.pem file).
      • The client will also need to know the server’s hostname, which is used to verify the server’s certificate. This has to match the hosts entry in the server-csr.json config file. This entry has to be in the form of a ServerName in the Rust code, which is a DNS or IP address parsable format.
    • Code concerns:

      • The certificate and key files above is used to generate a ClientConfig struct, from the rustls crate. It is then used to create a TlsConnector struct.
      • The unsecure connection of type TcpStream will be created as per usual using TcpStream::connect(). However, this will then be wrapped in a TlsConnector which will make it a secure connection. The reader and writer halves are split from this TlsStream struct. And the reader and writer halves are used as per usual.
  • Server code

    • Certificate concerns:

      • The server code will need to load the server’s certificate and private key, which we have generated (the server.pem and server-key.pem files).
        • This server certificate is signed by the CA certificate. Since we are using self-signed certificates, only the client will need to load the CA certificate to verify the server certificate. And not the server.
          • This is because the server is self-signed and doesn’t need to verify any incoming certificates.
          • If we weren’t using self-signed certificates, the client would just have to load the root certificate store that’s available publicly (like Mozilla root certificates).
        • The server will not need to load the root certificate store, inside of which will reside the CA certificate chain, that we have generated (the ca.pem file).
    • Code concerns:

      • The certificate and key files above are used to generate a ServerConfig struct, from the rustls crate. It is then used to create a TlsAcceptor struct.
      • The server will create a TcpListener and accept incoming connections. Each connection will be wrapped in a TlsAcceptor which will make it a secure connection. The reader and writer halves are split from this TlsStream struct. And the reader and writer halves are used as per usual.

Here’s some more information about mapping the Rust code to the TLS files:

For details on the actual, code, here are some files from the tls repo:

Here are the files for the TLS configuration and certificate generation:

Build with Naz video series on YouTube channel #

If you have comments and feedback on this content, or would like to request new content (articles & videos) on, please join our discord server.

You can watch a video series on building this crate with Naz on the YouTube channel.

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