What is a thread? #

A thread is a path of execution through code; in other words, a thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. What does that mean? In Java, objects are not “alive”, rather threads are “alive”. Threads run through your code (ie, the methods in your objects). When you invoke the main() method in your class, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) creates a thread for you that actually runs the code in this method. Another thread that is always running in the JVM is the garbage collector thread (which makes sure to reclaim memory for objects that are no longer referenced by any other objects).

For example, let’s say you have a class, called MyClass.java, that has a main() and print() method, shown in Figure 1. When you run this class, by typing java MyClass at the command prompt, the JVM creates a thread to run through the main() method. At the same time during which the thread is running through your object, the JVM has a garbage collection thread running, ie, they are running concurrently.

Java threads #

Java allows you to create your own threads that can be run through any class that you write. Threads are lightweight processes (if you’re familiar with UNIX processes). By allowing you to spawn any number of threads in a single (JVM) process, you can have your objects perform concurrent tasks. This is very important for network programming, in a distributed environment, where your objects might be waiting for data from objects on other hosts (ie, remote objects). By being multithreaded, your objects can do something else while they wait; for example, they can service a large number of requests from other remote objects. Threads are used heavily in the Servlet API, EJB, RMI and just about any server framework.

There is more than one way to use threads. Sometimes you have to create “threaded” classes (ie, classes that create and manage their own threads to perform concurrent tasks), but most of the time you have to make sure that your classes will handle multiple threads trampling through them (for example, Servlet classes).

In the advanced thread tutorial you will see how to make complex “threaded” classes. In this tutorial you will learn how to:

  1. make simple “threaded” classes (classes that create and manage their own threads)

  2. create classes that can handle multiple threads trampling through them (for example, Servlet classes).

Implementing Runnable vs. extending Thread #

There are two ways of creating your own “threaded” classes, you can:

  1. implement the java.lang.Runnable interface

  2. extend the java.lang.Thread class.

These two ways of creating threads have slightly different semantics, in the way in which a thread runs through your objects. However, there are similarities in using either of the two ways, you must have a run() method. Your thread will execute this run() method, once the thread has been instantiated and started.

Choosing to implement Runnable #

In fact, the Runnable interface only has one method, which is public void run(). The way to use Runnable is as follows:

  1. Create a class that implements Runnable and be sure to implement the run() method

  2. In order to make this run() method come “alive”, you have to create a Thread object and pass it the Runnable implementation class as a parameter (to the constructor).

  3. Then you have to invoke the start() method on this Thread object.

Your Runnable object (the threaded class) is not a thread itself. However, you can use the Thread class (in Java everything is represented as a class, even threads) to run your Runnable object (concurrently). So you have separate Thread objects, potentially all running through the same instance of your Runnable object. You can choose not to do this, but you can do this if you want to, since you have to give the Thread constructor a reference to the Runnable object in order to instantiate the Thread object. Don’t forget to start() the Thread object, in order to make your Runnable object come “alive”.

The Servlet API, for example, chooses to have Servlets implement the Runnable interface rather than extending the Thread class. The end result of this is that there is one instance of the each Servlet class, and the Servlet container creates a new thread for each HTTP request that comes in (for that Servlet) and attaches it to the same Servlet object. This is the Singleton pattern, where only the same (single) instance of a class is used anywhere that an object of that class is required. Now, you can override this default behaviour of Servlets, by having your Servlet extend SingleThreadedModel. This starts to emulate the behavior that you would get by extending Thread. When you extend SingleThreadedModel, a new Servlet object is created for every thread that is created to service each HTTP request. This behavior is illustrated in Figure 2. Please refer to the source code example below on the details of implementing Runnable.

The behavior of RMI objects is very similar to this. When a client looks up a remote reference, they get a stub to the skeleton of the remote object. Now, there is only one remote object, per remote reference. However, a multitude of clients can connect to this singular remote object and invoke methods on it. Sounds like the Singleton pattern at work again. The skeleton creates a new Thread that runs through the singular remote object (in addition to managing all the protocol translation between it and the stub). This is very similar to the Servlet mechanism. This kind of design strategy exists in most server frameworks, from Servlets, to RMI, to CORBA ORBs.

Choosing to extend Thread #

Another way of creating “threaded classes” is by extending the Thread class directly. This might seem simpler than implementing the Runnable interface, but its the same amount of work. In fact, sometimes it is not possible to extend Thread, because your threaded class might have to extend something else. The only difference between implementing Runnable and extending Thread is that by extending Thread, each of your threads has a unique object associated with it, whereas with Runnable, many threads share the same object instance. This behaviour is also illustrated in Figure 2. Please refer to the source code example for details of extending Thread.

Source code examples #

Two implementations of the ThreadedClass class are shown below, created once by implementing Runnable, and again by extending Thread. You can correlate the source code to Figure 2.

The code to implement Runnable is shown below:

   1: //Implementing Runnable
   2: public class ThreadedClass
   3: implements Runnable
   4: {
   5:     int data;
   7:     public ThreadedClass(){
   8:         data = 0;
   9:     }
  11:     public void run(){
  12:         //this method runs when start() is invoked on the thread
  13:         System.out.println( data );
  14:     }
  16:     public Thread getNewThread(){
  17:         Thread t = new Thread( this );
  18:         return t;
  19:     }
  21:     public static void main( String[] args ){
  22:         ThreadedClass threadedClass = new ThreadedClass();
  23:         Thread t1 = threadedClass.getNewThread();
  24:         t1.start();
  26:         Thread t2 = threadedClass.getNewThread();
  27:         t2.start();
  28:     }
  29: }

In the main() method of the code above, only one instance of ThreadedClass is created. This one instance is used to spawn a multitude of threads (each executing the run() method of the same object). This is analogous to what happens with RMI or Servlets. This is how you can share instance variables of a Servlet across multiple threads of the same Servlet running in the Servlet container. If you wish to create a new instance of a Servlet per thread, then your Servlet has to extend SingleThreadModel.

The code to extend Thread is shown below:

   1: //Extend Thread
   2: public class ThreadedClass
   3: extends Thread
   4: {
   5:     int data;
   7:     public ThreadedClass(){
   8:         data = 0;
   9:     }
  11:     public void run(){
  12:         //this method runs when start() is invoked on the thread
  13:         System.out.println( data );
  14:     }
  16:     public static void main( String[] args ){
  17:         ThreadedClass t1 = new ThreadedClass();
  18:         t1.start();
  20:         ThreadedClass t2 = new ThreadedClass();
  21:         t2.start();
  22:     }
  23: }

Notice the difference between the Runnable and Thread versions? In the Runnable version you just created one ThreadedClass object and then created a bunch of Thread objects based on this Runnable object. These threads were all running through the same Runnable object (the ThreadedClass object). In the “extends Thread” version, you actually have to create a new ThreadedClass object per thread that you want to start.

Depending on the problem you have to solve, you have to choose the appropriate method in your design. The 2 methods have their differences, and by understanding these differences you can take advantage of them in your threaded classes.

Servlets and RMI potential hazard #

When you are creating classes that are going to be used by Servlets or RMI objects, you must make these classes “thread-safe”. You must made them make them thread-safe because many RMI or Servlet threads might be trampling through your code concurrently at any given time (by the very nature of RMI and Servlet architecture). This is where **synchronization **comes in. In the previous case, where you were creating threaded classes, you are the one spawning the threads, and the objects that these threads trample through are responsible for being thread-safe. The difference between making threaded classes vs. making thread-safe classes is very similar to throwing exceptions vs. catching them.

The synchronized keyword #

In Java, when the synchronized keyword is used in a method, the JVM guarantees that only one thread will be able to run through that method at any given time, ie, there is no concurrent thread access to that block of code. These blocks of code are also known as critical sections. You can synchronize entire methods by using the synchronized keyword in the method declaration, or you can just mark certain lines of code as synchronized. When you use the latter, approach, you have to use an object to synchronize “on”. I will explain this in detail in the advanced tutorial, but for now, just use “this” to synchronize code blocks. Here is an example of how to use the synchronize keyword to make an entire method mutually exclusive, or thread-safe:

public synchronized void someMethod() {..}

Now, in order to make just a few lines of code thread-safe, use:

synchronized( this ){
    //critical section

Why would you want to make only a section of your method thread-safe? Code that is thread-safe (ie, protected by synchronized) is slower than code that isn’t. For better performance, you should only make those lines of your code thread-safe, that absolutely need to be. In the advanced thread tutorial, you will see why the code is slower, and what exactly the synchronized keyword does (it has something to do with object level monitors). However, if this tutorial satisfies your needs, then you can save time by not going through the advanced tutorial :).

Thread-safe vs. threaded classes #

When you make thread-safe classes, you have to keep in mind that multiple threads could be trampling through the methods of your class. This requires special care in designing and coding these classes, because there is no way of knowing what thread will invoke what method (and in what sequence) on an object of this class. You have to take into account all possible scenarios or design in such a way that the number of possible states that your object can reach is minimized. I prefer to use the smart solution and design in such a way that the number of states my object can reach is minimized, that way I don’t have to think about too many possibilities of what might happen when multiple threads are trampling through the same instance of my class.

In order to make thread-safe classes there are a few simple rules to follow:

  • Mutator method access to any shared objects must be synchronized.

  • Accessor method access to any shared objects need not be synchronized.

    • There is an exception to this rule however. When your shared object’s value fluctuates very frequently (like stock prices), then it is necessary to synchronize the accessor too, in order to report the correct value of the object rather than some intermediate (and inaccurate) value of the object. There are more advanced techniques to get around making your accessors synchronized which I will show you in the advanced thread tutorial. But for now, be sure to synchronize everything!

Example Problem #

I will illustrate the problem by using a bank account example. Lets say that I have a bank account object (this is not thread-safe) which is accessed by a bunch of threads. My bank account object has a method that adds a given amount of money and removes that same amount and returns (ie, after the method returns my bank balance is still the same). Then I have another main class that simply spawns a lot of threads and lets them loose on my bank account object.

Now, you might think that this example shouldn’t even have any problems because that method in my bank account object doesn’t do anything. Well, adding money and then removing it from a bank account are NOT atomic operations; an atomic operation is one that the JVM guarantees will occur without any interruptions (for example updating a register in a processor). When many threads are trampling through my (not thread-safe) bank account object, the bank balance does change! This is because other threads mess with my bank balance before each thread gets done using it; so as one thread adds money, and is just about to remove it, another thread could go in and remove more money, and my bank balance is negative for an instant! There are an infinite number of possibilities (most of which are undesirable) when a lot of threads are let loose on this poor object.

Here is some code (from TestUnsafe.java) for a design that is not thread-safe (and messes up my bank balance with multiple threads):

   1: //BankAcct - NOT thread safe
   2: class BankAcct{
   3:     int bal;
   5:     public BankAcct( int i ){
   6:         bal = i;
   7:     }
   9:      void doNothing(){
  10:         addRemove( 10 );
  11:         addRemove( 20 );
  12:         addRemove( 30 );
  13:     }
  15:      void addRemove( int m ){
  16:         bal+=m;
  17:         Util.sleepRandom();
  18:         bal-=m;
  19:     }
  21:      int get(){
  22:         return bal;
  23:     }
  24: }//end BankAcct class
  26: //TestUnsafe - creates threads and tramples through BankAcct
  27: public class TestUnsafe extends Thread{
  28:     //data members for this thread
  29:     private String name;
  30:     BankAcct ba;
  32:     //start this method
  33:     public static void main( String[] args ){
  34:         BankAcct ba = new BankAcct( 0 );
  35:         new TestUnsafe( "**      " , ba ).start();
  36:         new TestUnsafe( "  ++    " , ba).start();
  37:         new TestUnsafe( "    ==  " , ba ).start();
  38:         new TestUnsafe( "      //" , ba ).start();
  39:     }
  41:     //constructor
  42:     public TestUnsafe( String n , BankAcct ba ){
  43:         this.ba = ba;
  44:         name    = n;
  45:     }
  47:     //extending Thread
  48:     public  void run(){
  49:         doWork();
  50:     }
  52:     //simply displays the bank balance before and after this thread
  53:     //messes with the bankaccount
  54:     public void doWork(){
  55:         System.out.println(
                    name+" :doWork() - start : account bal = "+ba.get() );
  57:         ba.doNothing();
  59:         System.out.println(
                    name+" :doWork() - end   : account bal = "+ba.get() );
  60:     }
  63: }//end TestUnsafe class

If you compile, and then run TestUnsafe.java at a command prompt/console (by typing java TestUnsafe), you will notice, from the output, that the bank balance is changing quite a bit. You will see that the bank balance figure changes as the program runs, however, at the end the bank balance is zero. Now, the problem is the fluctuations as the program runs; it should be zero, because the doNothing() method of BankAcct, should not affect the bank balance. However, due to TestUnsafe threads trampling through the BankAcct, it messes everything up.

Solution (design) #

Obviously the solution to this problem would be to synchronize the method in the BankAcct object that messes with the bank balance. This would guarantee that only one thread was trampling through it at any given time.

Also it is necessary to synchronize the accessor method too! Why? Well, the methods to add and remove money from the account are so fast that when I use get() it sometimes returns the value of my bank balance in the middle of doNothing(). So one thread is in the middle of executing doNothing() at which point my bank balance is non-zero. At this same instant, another thread calls get() an gets a non-zero value of my bank account. Ooops! The way to solve this is to synchronize the get() method too, in order to ensure that my real bank balance is returned. On the other hand, if you wish to monitor the state of this object at all times, then you might want to leave the get() un-synchronized. It all depends on what you want to do.

The code below contains the thread-safe solution for this bank account problem:

Code #

Here is the source code for the solution TestSafe.java:

   1: //BankAcct - thread safe version
   2: class BankAcct{
   3:     int bal;
   5:     public BankAcct( int i ){
   6:         bal = i;
   7:     }
   9:      void doNothing(){
  10:         addRemove( 10 );
  11:         addRemove( 20 );
  12:         addRemove( 30 );
  13:     }
  15:      synchronized void addRemove( int m ){
  16:         bal+=m;
  17:         Util.sleepRandom();
  18:         bal-=m;
  19:     }
  21:      public synchronized int get(){
  22:         return bal;
  23:     }
  24: }

The TestSafe class hasn’t changed much from TestUnsafe: only the main() method is different, it creates TestSafe objects, rather than TestUnsafe ones. When you run this code (by compiling and running TestSafe.java) you will see that the bank balance is always 0. Don’t forget to compile TestSafe, before running it (due to namespace conflicts with TestUnsafe’s BankAcct class). Now if you make the get() method unsynchronized you will see some fluctuations in the bank balance, but this is because the get() method might be getting the value of the balance just as its changing. At the end of each method run, the value is still 0 though. This is a very interesting effect.

Why? #

You don’t really have a choice, all your code should be thread-safe and re-entrant. Re-entrant means that once a method is called on your object, it should be possible for someone else to call that method. For an example of something that’s non-re-entrant the IBM XML Parser (version 1.x) comes to mind. When certain methods are called on the IBM DOM parser, and exceptions are thrown the entire object becomes frozen and no one can call any more methods on that object. This is an example of non-reentrant code. The parser code was probably not even tread-safe. I hope they have fixed these problems in the newer versions.

In the realm of the server (which is NOT the realm of the client) the rules are different. One of the rules in this domain is that your code MUST be thread-safe whether you like it or not.

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