Introduction #

If you are starting w/ TypeScript for your next project, and you want have a project that is already setup to deploy to browsers using Webpack 4, and also has testing infrastructure hooked up to it (via Jasmine and Karma), here’s a repo on GitHub that you can clone/fork to get started.

This tutorial will walk you thru the gory details of what is going on in this repo (so that you don’t have to go thru the pain of setting and configuring all of this up yourself) 😁.

This repo is a great starting point for someone who wants to start a new TypeScript project w/ TDD / BDD, and also use Webpack 4 to take care of packing the web app to browsers. And also take care of hosting the app during local development using Webpack Dev Server.

Architecture Diagram #

The following diagram describes all the different pieces of the starter project that have already been configured for you to use. And a depiction of what happens when various npm scripts are run.

The starter project repo #

Build, run, and test using npm scripts #

Here are some of the major npm scripts that you will need to run once you clone or fork the repo. Make sure to run npm install after you’ve cloned or forked the repo to your computer.

  1. npm run build:dev - This will use Webpack to build your project and will continue watching the src directory for changes in any ‘.ts’ or .js files and will rebuild as they change. The Webpack configuration that this script loads is in the file.

  2. npm run start:dev - This will build your project, and then use Webpack Dev Server to deploy the app to localhost. Any changes that you make in the src folder will be picked up and hot-reloaded into any open browsers running the app as well, which is awesome 🎉.

  3. npm run test - This will start Karma, which will launch a Chrome browser that it will use to run your tests. Karma will keep watch on any changes that occur in your source code and it will re-run these tests when that happens. karma-spec-reporter is used so that you get a nice console output of the results of the tests (replete w/ the describe and it strings from your tests).

Add source and test files, folder structure and configuration overview #

Your TS source code goes in the src folder, along w/ any JS files that you might have. Webpack 4 is configured to pick these up and add them to the bundle that it generates. Don’t worry, sourcemaps are generated as well, so that when you debug the bundle, you will be able to browser and set breakpoints in your TS source code.

All your tests (that use Jasmine) go into the test folder. When you run Karma, it will continuously test your code anytime src changes. It will also launch a Chrome browser to run these tests in.

In the root folder of the project there are some configuration files. Here’s a list of what they are and what they do.

  1. package.json

    • You can see all the devDependencies that are pulled into this project.

    • There aren’t any dependencies in this project, but as you add them yourself, you can also use bundlephobia (more info) to find out how much bloat each of these dependencies is adding to your final Webpack bundle.


    • This is the Webpack 4 configuration file. It is used by both .karma conf.js to run the tests, and the npm scripts to build and run the project (using the Webpack Dev Server).

    • entry is configured to be src/index which can be a index.js or index.ts file (based on the resolve configuration). In our case, it is index.ts. It is critical to define an entry point for Webpack, so that it knows where to build its tree of source files that it will transpile, minify, tree-shake, and bundle.

    • ts-loader module is used to grab all the .ts files and transpile them to ES6 (this is configured in tsconfig.json which is used by ts-loader).

    • devServer is configured here to support hot-reloading.

    • devtool is configured to support inline-source-map so that you can see your TS code when you’re debugging your test code or source code.

    • watch is enabled so that any changes will be detected during build and run (which are invoked using the npm scripts).

    • output is configured such that the bundle is called bundle.js and it is written to the dist/ folder, which is the default for Webpack 4 (if you don’t use any webpack.config.js file).

  3. .karma.conf.js

    • This is the config file for Karma and it actually pulls in the file as well, so that your Webpack development configuration settings are also applied to the code served by Karma to the browsers that are running the tests.

    • A strange thing that happens in this file is how the entry for Webpack is set, so that Karma can run the tests. Normally, the Webpack entry is the main file in your application (src/index.ts), however, in this case, the main entry point are the test files. Karma has to leverage Webpack, in order to generate the bundle that it needs, so that it can run the tests. In order to make this work, I copy the object (into webpackConfig variable) and then only grab the following keys to give to the webpack: webpackConfig.module, webpackConfig resolve, and webpackConfig.mode. Karma injects the entry by itself. If you just pass the webpackConfig to the webpack key, then Karma will not start (and will error out).

  4. tsconfig.json

    • This is the TypeScript compiler configuration file. It is used by the ts-loader (in Webpack) to transpile your TS files to JS on their way to the bundle.

    • is an important value to set (in this case esnext) as this tells the TS compiler what version of JS to transpile the code into. sourceMap is also set to true so that the transpiled code can be debugged in the browser (when served by the Webpack Dev Server) or the tests (when served by the Karma server).

References #

TypeScript #

TypeScript intro

TypeScript and Webpack 4 intro

Webpack 4 #

Webpack 4 intro

Webpack configuration

Webpack dev server configuration

Karma, Jasmine #

Karma, Jasmine intro

All together #

Karma, Jasmine, and Webpack setup

TypeScript migrate from typings to npm @types

TypeScript, Webpack, Jasmine, and Karma

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