Java vs Kotlin for Android development
- Introduction
- Video of the app in action
- Architecture of the Giphy viewer app
- Differences between Java and Kotlin
- Related articles
Introduction #
I’ve been working w/ Kotlin to write Android apps for about 1 year now, and I’ve really love it 😍. I’ve also been working w/ vanilla ES6 JavaScript a lot in the past year, which surprisingly has made my Kotlin better (since I’d been a Java developer for many decades prior to this).
However, I hadn’t used both Java and Kotlin on the same app before, so I decided to write the same exact Android app using Java, and also using Kotlin to experience what the major differences would be. This tutorial contains a side by side comparison between Kotlin and Java for the same Android app, which is a simple endless scrolling Giphy viewer.
Video of the app in action #

GitHub repo for the Kotlin app
GitHub repo for the Java app
Architecture of the Giphy viewer app #
The app uses Architecture components (
) to actually get the data from the Giphy API on Android, and then populate aRecyclerView
that uses aStaggeredGridLayoutManager
to display the images. -
It uses Fresco to load and cache the images.
It uses Paginate library to handle infinite scrolling of the
. -
It also uses Kotlin coroutines and
in order to generate and copy short URLs for the selected GIF. -
The tests (unit and instrumented) are written using Espresso, JUnit4, MockK, Roboelectric, and AssertJ. I really like Karma and Jasmine (from the JavaScript world) and in a future project will be using Kotlin testing libraries that allow
blocks in the test code.
Overview of the Kotlin codebase #
You can get the GitHub repo for the Kotlin app here.
MyApplication.kt is the custom Application class that acts as a dependency injection component that provides various objects that are needed in various places throughout the app.
State.kt contains sealed classes that represent various events and state representations that are used throughout the app.
Util.kt contains a set of extension function expressions and typedefs that are used throughout the app. Coroutine functions are included here as well.
MyViewModel.kt contains the AndroidViewModel that holds the data that’s loaded from the network service, and also exposes the network service end points to the rest of the app.
NetworkService.kt contains the integration w/ the Giphy Android SDK. Calls from the ViewModel are passed on the methods of GiphyClient, which ends up making calls to the Giphy Android API.
RecyclerViewManager.kt contains the RecyclerView data adapter, RowViewModel implementation, and configuration w/ the StaggeredGridLayoutManager. It also hooks into the ViewModel’s observable to react to changes in the underlying data (as a result of network service request being made from various parts of the app).
NetworkServiceTest.kt contains the classes that connect to web services to load data over the network (GiphyClient SDK).
Unit tests (test/) test classes in State.kt and some functions in NetworkService (using Roboelectric).
Instrumented tests (androidTest/) test classes in NetworkServiceTest.kt over the network.
Overview of the Java codebase #
You can get the GitHub repo for the Java app here.
The Java code is setup in a very similar fashion to the Kotlin one. However, there are no unit or instrumented tests in this repo. Here’s the mapping from the Kotlin codebase to the Java one.
- State.kt ->,
- NetworkService.kt ->
- MyViewModel.kt ->
- RecyclerViewManager.kt ->
- MyApplication.kt -> N/A
- FullScreenActivity.kt ->
- MainActivity.kt ->,
Differences between Java and Kotlin #
If you use Android Studio itself to automatically convert Java code to Kotlin, then you end up w/ code that isn’t very idiomatic in Kotlin. I actually wrote the Java version of the app first, then took inspiration from that to generate the Kotlin version. And I tried to be idiomatic in Kotlin wherever I could think of, and while I’m sure there are things in the app I can do better, I had to make some major changes for the Kotlin version to be idiomatic in Kotlin.
Also, it really helped that I’m doing a lot of work w/ ES6 (JavaScript) because I was able to think about high order functions and start writing the code w/ this in mind, rather than thinking in Java terms of interfaces and anonymous inner classes. The following are some big differences that I was able to spot in between the Java and Kotlin versions.
Sealed data classes vs builders #
One of the biggest wins in the Kotlin version was being able to use sealed data classes, which eliminated so much boilerplate code over Java builder pattern that it was quite shocking.
Here’s an example of a builder in the Java version, which expresses an AppMode
which is something
that can either be Trending
or Searching
Here’s some code that shows AppMode
being used:
public AppViewModel(@NonNull Application application) {
And here’s the implementation of AppMode
* Specifies whether the app is in "search" or "trending" mode.
* <ol>
* <li>With Search mode enabled, the "search" API endpoint is used.
* <li>With it disabled, the "trending" API endpoint is used.
* </ol>
public class AppMode {
public static final class Builder {
private Mode mode = Mode.Trending;
private String query = null;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public Builder mode(Mode mode) {
this.mode = mode;
return this;
public Builder query(String query) {
this.query = query;
return this;
public AppMode build() {
return new AppMode(mode, query);
private AppMode(@NonNull Mode mode, @Nullable String query) {
this.mode = mode;
this.query = query;
public enum Mode {
private Mode mode;
public boolean isTrendingMode() {
return mode == Mode.Trending;
public boolean isSearchingMode() {
return mode == mode.Search;
private String query;
public String getSearchQuery() {
return query;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
switch (mode) {
case Search:
stringBuilder.append(", query:").append(query);
case Trending:
return stringBuilder.toString();
Whew! That is a lot of boilerplate code to express something that can be done in Kotlin in the following lines 🙀:
/** User interaction causes a mode to be created and set on the UI. */
sealed class AppMode {
data class Trending(val timestamp: Date = Date()) : AppMode()
data class Search(val query: String, val timestamp: Date = Date()) : AppMode()
Using this is also so much simpler in Kolin (compared to the Java version):
appViewModel.appMode = AppMode.Trending()
appViewModel.appMode = AppMode.Search(query)
Also, w/ sealed classes, I can also use the when
fun makeRequest(appMode: AppMode,
responseHandler: GiphyClientResponseHandler,
offset: Int? = null
) = when (appMode) {
is AppMode.Trending -> { /* Do stuff. */ }
is AppMode.Search -> { /* Do stuff. */ }
Similarly, there’s a
class that gets shrunk in a similar fashion in Kotlin.
* Represents changes in underlying data (from the Giphy server). Changes can be
* either:
* <ol>
* <li>Refresh - entirely new data set is available.
* <li>Update - more data was added to existing set (the amount of new data is
* specified).
* </ol>
public class DataEvent {
public static final class Builder {
private Type type = Type.Refresh;
private int newSize = 0;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public Builder type(Type mode) {
this.type = mode;
return this;
public Builder newSize(int newSize) {
this.newSize = newSize;
return this;
public DataEvent build() {
return new DataEvent(type, newSize);
private DataEvent(@NonNull Type mode, int query) {
this.type = mode;
this.newSize = query;
public enum Type {
private Type type;
public Type getType() {
return type;
public boolean isErrorType() {
return type == Type.Error;
public boolean isRefreshType() {
return type == Type.Refresh;
public boolean isGetMoreType() {
return type == Type.GetMore;
private int newSize;
public int getNewSize() {
return newSize;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
switch (type) {
case GetMore:
stringBuilder.append(", newSize:").append(newSize);
case Refresh:
case Error:
return stringBuilder.toString();
And here’s the Kotlin version:
* GiphyClient responses result in this event being broadcast to various
* parts of the UI that need to respond to these underlying data model changes.
sealed class NetworkServiceResponse {
data class Refresh(val timestamp: Date = Date()) : NetworkServiceResponse()
data class Error(val timestamp: Date = Date()) : NetworkServiceResponse()
data class More(val newSize: Int, val timestamp: Date = Date()) :
Yup, it’s incredible how much more terse and ‘ergonomic’ Kotlin is to use when compared to Java 🎉.
typedefs and lambdas vs interfaces #
In the Java version, I was passing anonymous inner classes that implement Runnable
around to some
functions. Here’s an example:
private final class ViewHolder {
/* Snip. */
void setupSwipeRefreshLayout() {
onRefreshGestureHandler = () -> appViewModel.requestRefreshData(
() -> swipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false)
/* Snip. */
And in the
class here’s the function that takes the Runnable
public void requestRefreshData(@Nullable Runnable runOnRefreshComplete) {
/* Snip. */
In Kotlin, instead of requiring Runnable
blocks to be passed around, I created the following
typealias BlockLambda = () -> Unit
And here’s the requestRefreshData()
function in Kotlin:
fun requestRefreshData(runOnComplete: BlockLambda? = null) {/* Snip. */}
And here’s an example of calling this function:
appViewModel.requestRefreshData { swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = false }
In the Kotlin version, if still using Runnable
I could do something like the following
Runnable {/* Do stuff. */}
but, since I’m writing all of the code in Kotlin, by ditching
and going w/ my BlockLambda
typedef instead, I can achieve the same result w/ the
following {/* Do stuff. */
}`. For more info on single abstract method (SAM) conversions,
click here.
There are other places where I ended up using another typedef
that I created called
to pass lambdas around that simply accepted a single argument.
typealias BlockWithSingleArgLambda<T> = (T) -> Unit
Here’s an example of it being used in the RecyclerView
dataAdapter = DataAdapter { it:Media ->
activity.startActivity(FullScreenActivity.getIntent(activity, it))
In the lamda that I pass to the DataAdapter
I simply use it
to reference the argument that I
expect will be passed to my lambda.
Here’s an example of this lambda that I’m passing acutally being executed:
private inner class RowViewHolder(
cellView: View,
val imageView: SimpleDraweeView = cellView.find(
) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(cellView) {
fun bindDataToView(data: Media, block: BlockWithSingleArgLambda<Media>) {
imageView.setOnClickListener { block.invoke(data) }
/* Snip. */
This is so much cleaner IMO than having to define abstract classes or interfaces to achieve the same result.
Coroutines vs AsyncTask #
The Kotlin version of the app has a feature that’s not present in the Java version which is that it
shortens the URL of the GIF when the user clicks on a thumbnail in the RecyclerView
before copying
that to the clipboard.
I decided to use coroutines, since I really like ES6 promises and async/await. And while I’ve used
and Executors
quite extensively in the past, I really like this new approach to async
Here’s an example of a coroutine that shortens the given URL string (shortenUrl()
actually does
the work of shortening the URL by using a HttpURLConnection
that needs to be run in a background
thread (and not the main thread):
suspend fun shorten(longUrl: String): String {
return suspendCoroutine { promise ->
try {
val shortUrl = shortenUrl(longUrl)
catch (e: Exception) {
Here’s code to call this coroutine from an Android activity:
private fun shortenUriAndCopyToClipboard(imageUri: Uri) {
val longUrl = imageUri.toString()
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
lateinit var shortUrl: String
try {
shortUrl = shorten(longUrl)
info { "coroutine-shortUrl: $shortUrl" }
catch (e: Exception) {
shortUrl = longUrl
info { "coroutine-copyUrlToClipboard exception! $e" }
toast(this@FullScreenActivity) {
setText("URL copied to clipboard")
Extension function expressions #
I love using extension function expressions when I can. Here are some examples:
inline fun toast(
context: Context,
text: String = "",
duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,
crossinline block: Toast.() -> Unit
) {
runOnUiThread {
with(Toast.makeText(context, text, duration)) {
fun runOnUiThread(block: BlockLambda) {
Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post { block.invoke() }
I am still getting used to the ability to do things like Toast.() -> Unit
Constructors #
Another thing I noticed is that I was able to leverage the terse constructor syntax of Kotlin to make it much simpler to pass arguments, and also defined variables that operated on those variables in the constructor argument list itself, instead of polluting the main function body w/ this code.
Here’s an example where I pull out an imageView
from a cellView
which is passed to this
private inner class RowViewHolder(
cellView: View,
val imageView: SimpleDraweeView = cellView.find(
) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(cellView) {
fun bindDataToView(data: Media, block: BlockWithSingleArgLambda<Media>)
{/*Snip. */}}
Another thing that I started using is init
blocks and apply
blocks in Kotlin code, to put code
to initialize a variable where I declare the variable itself.
Here’s an example of using apply
private val layoutManager: StaggeredGridLayoutManager =
StaggeredGridLayoutManager(GRID_SPAN_COUNT, VERTICAL)
.apply {
recyclerView.layoutManager = this
Here’s an example of using init
private var dataAdapter: DataAdapter
init {
dataAdapter = DataAdapter {
activity.startActivity(FullScreenActivity.getIntent(activity, it))
recyclerView.adapter = dataAdapter
Related articles #
After I wrote this tutorial, I found the following article by the team that created OkHttp talking about their journey in migrating their library from Java to Kotlin. Here’s a link.
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